Friday, August 31, 2007

First Day of School

My baby is in Kindergarten! I can't believe it. I'm so happy we went ahead and started him in Kindergarten. He was sooo bored in preschool... well at his last preschool anyway. He's also thrilled that there is no more nap and so are we!! He REALLY hated to take naps. It would mess his whole schedule up sleeping that much during the day. He couldn't sleep at night. He's been sleeping now for the last few months! Boy what a difference in behavior! He really is like a new child. Our pediatrician was right! Some kids just don't need a nap!

School started last Wednesday and he really loves it. He is attending a private school called Wonderland here in San Marcos. I wish I had listened to all the clients that had referred us there in the first place! It's really a loving, learning, Christian environment. I love that they pray before lunch! He's doing so well! He loves his new teacher. They have a real curriculum where they don't just do the same stuff over and over. He's already learning new things! If you're a parent looking for childcare you should really check Wonderland out. All the parents/clients I know who take their children there are very happy! Which says a lot!

We've also started Guy in gymnastics. He's going to J& R here in San Marcos. He really is doing great in class too! I had no idea he could do the things he does! He actually has pretty good balance! J&R Gymnastics is a beautiful facility! It's state of the art! His teacher has so much patience too! I've met some really nice mom's too while watching him in class! We don't have class this week but maybe next I'll take some photos of him in class. Course I'm a wee bit nerdy with all the gear I'd REALLY want to bring. LOL

Here are some photos of my sweet and sometimes photographically uncooperative boy! A lot of parents ask me if I have just the best photos of my boy. I do have some really cute stuff but he makes me REALLY work for it! He's in that fake smile stage right now... that will last until he's about seven! LOL I need to work on my funny jokes because he already knows all of my tricks to get kids to smile naturally! LOL

Getting out of my new car!! It's still clean! LOL

We're here!

To quote Guy, "MOM! I don't want to put my foot on the rock!"

So we negotiated the foot on the rock but he decided he will NOT look at me!!

It was rainy. He was excited to go inside! Here's that fake smile!

The children wait in the cafeteria until their teacher calls them into class. Guy choose a superman backpack this year!

Guy meeting his teacher. She pinned an apple with his name on it for the first day.

This is Guy reminding me that he is VERY VERY strong!

This is his cubby with his name on it. Guy's first name is Joseph after my Dad. We call him by his middle name Guy. So he didn't believe me that was really his Cubby. LOL

More children have arrived and I've got to get to work so one more shot attempting to get a "real smile!"

He's had enough!! Time to go! Please Mom stop with the photos!!


MM said...

He is soooo cute! I love those photos. If I had a kid and moved to San Marcus, I would go to that school too! Looks fun! What a great day, first day in Kindergarten. Maybe we should post our first day photos if you can dig them up. :)

Laura Kay Wootan said...

LOL Mel! You know I'm going to call my mom and see if she has any of us!